A Simple Way to Plan Your Wedding Invitation Wording

Planning your wedding includes a thousand and one to do lists. While it can be tedious and sometimes stressful I think infusing as much fun as possible is the way to go. (Like tasting all the cake samples right?!) I think working on your wedding stationery is no exception and you might as well have some fun while also keeping it simple! So how do you simplify your wedding invitation process? I would start with nailing down the wedding invitation wording first.
Working with a stationer to create your wedding invitation suite
One way to come up with your wedding invitation wording is by working with a stationer. They will be able to help you out with the wording that works best for you and your partner. While also making sure the wording fits the style of your invitation suite and vibe of your wedding. Whether it’s a more formal wedding or on the casual side you will be in good hands with your wedding stationer!
For example in my process on working with couples I have a specific questionnaire that lays the foundation of the wording for all my suites. This is especially important if you don’t know where to start. I also have a set of semi-custom invitations that show examples of the wording in the invitation.
Wedding Invitation Templates
If you’re not working with a stationer and purchasing an invitation template online you can use the wording already in the design. Sometimes you can customize a little bit depending on the layout but you may have less room for customization depending on how the template is created and printed. If you can change up the phrases then check out below where I go over all the important parts of your invitation.
DIY Invitations
And lastly if you are going to DIY your invite then you are responsible for all of the wording on your invitation. From here you can definitely look at all the examples on the web since there are endless options out there. Or if you’re good with wording just have some fun and put together your own wording! Don’t worry about missing out on the important details, just check out everything you should include below.
What exactly do you include in your wedding invitation wording
Hosting the wedding
Who is hosting the wedding. Traditionally this was the parents of the bride, but nowadays you can change this up to what works for you as a couple. Maybe both sets of parents are hosting, maybe the couple is hosting, or maybe you don’t want to include this section at all. And you jump to the next section: the couple’s name!
The couple
So the next section I consider to be the “main event” and is where you introduce the couple! There are so many ways you can incorporate your names into the invite. I love this being the focal part of the design since it’s your wedding. Here are just a few examples of how you can word this section.
Natalie Anne & Matthew Joseph request the honor of your presence as they get married
Stacy & Michelle are getting hitched!
Either option and everything in between can work as long as it fits you two as a couple. This is one of the many ways your invitation can set the tone of your wedding.
The details
After the couple’s names you can move onto some of the important details for your guests. This includes the date, time, and location. This section don’t need to be super specific if you plan to have additional inserts in your wedding invitation suite like a details card. You could just stick to the venue name and leave the address for another card or on your wedding website. After the main details you can also add an extra detail like reception to follow or dancing afterwards so your guests know the wedding ceremony will be followed by the reception.
Putting the wedding invitation wording all together
When you start to break it down like above it really can be simple and not something to stress over. If you want even more help I have a super fun fill in the blank mad libs style worksheet to help you out. These make it even easier to work on your own wedding invitation wording. If you want the worksheet just sign up for the email list above and you will get access immediately. Plus I have other awesome resources for planning your wedding and working with stationers!